मंगलवार के दिन आने वाले बजट को लेकर मध्यम वर्ग को कई उम्मीदें हैं. एक साल में आई कोविड की दो लहरों का असर इनकी जेब पर पड़ा है और यह सरकार से कुछ राहत की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/rBtI94dew
Monday, January 31, 2022
पंजाब में दिग्गजों ने भरा परचा, कैप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह ने भी किया नामांकन
पजाब चुनाव के चलते कई दिग्गजों ने सोमवार को परचा दाखिल किया. इस दौरान पटियाला सीट से चुनाव लड़ रहे कैप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह ने भी नामांकन किया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/Ol1F5XWZH
from Videos https://ift.tt/Ol1F5XWZH
मैनपुरी की करहल सीट पर दिलचस्प लड़ाई, अखिलेश यादव के सामने होंगे एसपी बघेल
अखिलेश यादव के खिलाफ करहल सीट से बीजेपी ने केंद्रीय मंत्री एसपी सिंह बघेल को उतारा है. बघेल, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार में भी मंत्री पद संभाल चुके हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/lJ9wuV4RH
from Videos https://ift.tt/lJ9wuV4RH
सिटी सेंटर : अखिलेश यादव के सामने बीजेपी ने एसपी सिंह बघेल को बनाया उम्मीदवार
अखिलेश यादव के खिलाफ करहल सीट से बीजेपी ने केंद्रीय मंत्री एसपी सिंह बघेल को उतारा है. बघेल, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार में भी मंत्री पद संभाल चुके हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/rkHzWZjX0
from Videos https://ift.tt/rkHzWZjX0
Deep Scar In Terms Of Job Crisis In India: Former Chief Economic Adviser Dr Arvind Subramanian
"Even leading up to the pandemic, the economy was weak. That is the magnitude of challenge that government in India faces. MNREGA demand today is 40-50% more than pre-pandemic levels. That has in a sense left a deep scar in terms of the job's crisis", Dr Arvind Subramanian, Former Chief Economic Adviser tells NDTV.
from Videos https://ift.tt/7A1yLa5lG
from Videos https://ift.tt/7A1yLa5lG
‘Ramanujacharya’s teachings relevant even today’
Prime Minister Modi to dedicate Statue of Equality to world on Feb. 5
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/sDzcLPT5m
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/sDzcLPT5m
पंजाब चुनाव : डोर टू डोर कैंपेन कर रहीं कैप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह की बेटी जय इंदर कौर
पंजाब चुनाव को लेकर पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री कैंप्टन अमरिंदर सिंह की बेटी जय इंदर कौर डोर टू डोर कैंपेन कर रही हैं. इस दौरान उन्होंने NDTV से कहा कि हम जरूर जीतेंगे.
from Videos https://ift.tt/CikzTjWUg
from Videos https://ift.tt/CikzTjWUg
Sunday, January 30, 2022
BJP demands ‘Dharani’ portal glitches be resolved at once
“It has been two years since ‘Dharani’ was launched and one is unable to make out if this portal is a boon or bane to the people when so many citizens are complaining”
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/gRJIK3NWT
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/gRJIK3NWT
IAF officer visits air warfare college
Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Training Command, Indian Air Force, Manavendra Singh on Saturday visited the College of Air Warfare (CAW), Secunderab
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/CM3O0XgAu
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/CM3O0XgAu
‘Reopen schools but wait till peak passes’
Pediatricians call for campus surveillance, awareness on post-COVID complications
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/aiU7BTpdP
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/aiU7BTpdP
Registration department proposes market value revision
New values to be effective once government issues a formal order
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/ywa8JV1bM
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/ywa8JV1bM
कश्मीर घाटी में जनवरी के महीने में अब तक 21 आतंकी मारे गए
कश्मीर घाटी में जनवरी के महीने में अब तक 12 मुठभेड़ों में 21 आतंकी मारे जा चुके हैं. सुरक्षा बल इस कामयाबी के पीछे सटीक ख़ुफ़िया जानकारी को आधार बता रहे हैं. शनिवार रात से शुरू हुई दो मुठभेड़ों में पांच आतंकियों को मार गिराया गया.
from Videos https://ift.tt/dIPsVziCk
from Videos https://ift.tt/dIPsVziCk
Issue job notifications, says Revanth
TPCC chief condemns attack on Youth Congress leaders
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/2lIoHykGw
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/2lIoHykGw
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Karnataka Ends Night Curfew On Monday; Bengaluru Schools, Colleges To Open
Night curfew will be withdrawn in Karnataka from Monday and schools and colleges in Bengaluru will reopen as well, the state government said today, with hospitalisation due to Covid now at 2 per cent and the recovery rate going up.
from Videos https://ift.tt/6WLcaxjQH
from Videos https://ift.tt/6WLcaxjQH
As Pegasus Row Makes A Comeback, Minister Slams "Supari" Media
Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated 30 years of India-Israel relations on Saturday, as a new investigative piece by The New York Times reignited a controversy and opposition attacks over the spyware Pegasus, made by Israeli security firm NSO.
from Videos https://ift.tt/PyzI7RlUb
from Videos https://ift.tt/PyzI7RlUb
बीजेपी से क्यों खफा हैं काशी के दुकानदार? जो हमेशा से कोर वोटर रहे
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के ड्रीम प्रोजेक्ट काशी विश्वनाथ कॉरिडोर जिन गलियों और मकानों को लेकर बना है. उन गलियों और मकानों के दुकानदार कभी बीजेपी के कोर वोटर थे. लेकिन अब यही वोटर्स बीजेपी से नाराज हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/xYrg6aNGK
from Videos https://ift.tt/xYrg6aNGK
नशे में धुत आधा दर्जन लोगों ने रेस्टोरेंट में मचाया उत्पात, वारदात CCTV कैमरे में कैद
उत्तर प्रदेश के ग्रेटर नोएडा के दनकौर कस्बे में स्थित एक रेस्टोरेंट में बुधवार की देर रात नशे में धुत करीब आधा दर्जन लोगों ने रेस्टोरेंट में तोड़फोड़ की और कर्मचारियों के साथ मारपीट भी की. आरोपियों ने लूटपाट की भी कोशिश की.
from Videos https://ift.tt/AGH3YS6M0
from Videos https://ift.tt/AGH3YS6M0
देवबंद के दिल में क्या है? अमित शाह के साथ हजारों कार्यकर्ताओं का हुजूम
पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश के मुस्लिम बहुल मतदाता वाली देवबंद विधानसभा में शनिवार को अमित शाह डोर-टू-डोर प्रचार करने पहुंचे. संकरी गली में हजारों कार्यकर्ताओं के पहुंचने के चलते यहां अमित शाह महज 20 मिनट ही रूके.
from Videos https://ift.tt/z0HaLq7wv
from Videos https://ift.tt/z0HaLq7wv
'बीजेपी की अपनी विचारधारा, हमारी अपनी अलग', NDTV से केंद्रीय मंत्री अनुप्रिया पटेल
चुनावों के दौरान पार्टियों में नेताओं की एंट्री-एग्जिट पर केंद्रीय मंत्री अनुप्रिया पटेल ने NDTV से कहा कि, "चुनाव के ठीक पहले जब ऐसे निर्णय लिए जाते हैं, तो आम मतदाता के मन में ये संदेश जाता है कि ''पर्सनल पॉलिटिकल बेनिफिट्स'' को ध्यान में रखकर फैसले लिए गए हैं."
from Videos https://ift.tt/7B4Vjz1yg
from Videos https://ift.tt/7B4Vjz1yg
‘Hold ‘Billion march’ in New Delhi’
Minister for Finance, Health and Family Welfare T Harish Rao on Saturday asked BJP State president and Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay to come out with a w
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/zHTOGp0Vd
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/zHTOGp0Vd
Friday, January 28, 2022
Literary festival begins online
The 12th edition of the city’s annual landmark event, Hyderabad Literary Festival, was off to a subdued start this year too, owing to the pandemic pro
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3r94Rmk
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3r94Rmk
सिटी सेंटर : '3 घंटे हेलीकॉप्टर रोकने के पीछे कोई कारण तो होगा?' NDTV से बातचीत में अखिलेश यादव
समाजवादी पार्टी के अध्यक्ष अखिलेश यादव ने आरोप लगाया कि मुजफ्फरनगर के लिए उड़ान भर रहे उनके हेलीकॉप्टर को दिल्ली में रोका गया. ट्वीट के जरिए उन्होंने ये आरोप लगाया. हालांकि बाद में फिर ट्वीट कर के जानकारी दी कि उन्हें इजाजत मिल गई है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3KVZaAe
from Videos https://ift.tt/3KVZaAe
House site for Padmasri awardee
Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has announced a house site in Hyderabad and ₹ 1 crore for construction of house and other expenses for Padmasri aw
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32J6cXI
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32J6cXI
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : किसान ने 8 करोड़ रुपये के बेचे टमाटर, इंटरव्यू लेने पहुंचे कृषि मंत्री
मध्य प्रदेश में हरदा के किसान ने 8 करोड़ रुपये का टमाटर बेचने का दावा है. इस पर इंटरव्यू लेने के लिए किसान के घर कृषि मंत्री पहुंच गए. क्योंकि वो कृषि मंत्री का गृह जिला है. लेकिन दूसरे कई जिलों में किसान पपीता और टमाटर की फसल लेकर बैठे हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3u7smhv
from Videos https://ift.tt/3u7smhv
‘Omicron variant has hit restaurant industry hard’
City chapter of National Restaurant Association of India launched
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3o754Eu
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3o754Eu
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Four newly elected MLCs take oath
Pro tem chairman administers oath
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3gjXrql
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3gjXrql
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : आवारा मवेशियों से किसानों को परेशानी कितना बड़ा मुद्दा?
गौशालाओं के बनने पर 500 करोड़ रुपये खर्च करने के बाद भी उत्तर प्रदेश के किसान आवारा मवेशियों से परेशान हैं. अपने फसलों को बचाने के लिए रात-रात भर इस ठंड में जाग रहे हैं. रवीश रंजन की ये रिपोर्ट देखिए...
from Videos https://ift.tt/3H9JVRQ
from Videos https://ift.tt/3H9JVRQ
National job guarantee scheme mooted
KTR writes to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/34dGOcS
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/34dGOcS
SCCL’s plans for new forays make slow progress
SCCL looks at extraction of construction sand from overburden
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/35vhaB6
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/35vhaB6
NAAI gives ‘A’ Grade to PJTSAU
All colleges, courses of PJTSAU get same accreditation
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3o5GwMb
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3o5GwMb
20 heritage step wells to be restored in city
Out of the total 44 step wells, six have already been renovated
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3g4OOzv
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3g4OOzv
3,944 more test positive in Telangana
Total number of active cases rises to 39,520; three more succumb to the virus
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3KIPjO1
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3KIPjO1
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
NMDC will mine a better future for India: CMD
Impact League app launched
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3r3Ae1K
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3r3Ae1K
BJP's Jat Outreach Ahead Of Uttar Pradesh Polls
Farmers' agitation, price rise and communally-charged rhetoric could hit the BJP hard in this agrarian sector dominated by Jats and Muslims. With 113 assembly seats at stake here, the BJP heavyweights including the home minister have been pulled in to attract the Jats. The crucial Jat vote in Western UP had propelled the BJP to power in the last three elections.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3IC7F1a
from Videos https://ift.tt/3IC7F1a
SBI CGM: work for excellence in customer service
Hyderabad Circle CGM appreciates employees for tireless efforts
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3Axsc4a
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3Axsc4a
प्राइम टाइम : RRB की NTPC की परीक्षा में गड़बड़ूी की शिकायत को लेकर विरोध प्रदर्शन
रेलवे रिक्रूटमेंट बोर्ड की नॉन टेक्निकल पॉपुलर कैटेगरी (NTPC) की परीक्षा में गड़बड़ूी की शिकायत को लेकर बिहार में बेरोजगार युवाओं का विरोध प्रदर्शन आज भी जारी रहा. युवाओं ने नियुक्ति की प्रक्रिया को रद्द करने के लिए प्रदर्शन किया.
from Videos https://ift.tt/35vuEwR
from Videos https://ift.tt/35vuEwR
District wise model to control spread of thalassemia
Genome Foundation takes up a study on this disorder
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3rVZwOv
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3rVZwOv
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Five from TS win Padma Awards
Bharat Biotech’s Dr. Krishna, Suchitra Ella top list from State
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32zQiyO
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32zQiyO
Battle For Panjim: Voters Ki Baat
The battle heats up in Goa's Panjim seat. What do voters think?
from Videos https://ift.tt/344X7IX
from Videos https://ift.tt/344X7IX
"Manohar Parrikar Never Wanted Utpal To Join Politics": Goa MLA Babush Monserrate
"What sentiment? His father (Manohar Parrikar) never wanted him (Utpal Parrikar) to come into politics," says Babush Monserrate - who was given the ticket by BJP from Panjim - on Manohar Parrikar's son saying that he should have been given the ticket for the Panjim seat.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3421fcJ
from Videos https://ift.tt/3421fcJ
BJP Panjim Candidate Babush Monserrate Denies Rape, Assault Charges
Babush Monserrate, the BJP candidate from Panjim, denies rape and assault charges against him, says, "All charges are politically motivated.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3KIKvs0
from Videos https://ift.tt/3KIKvs0
"I Will Retire In The BJP": Goa MLA Babush Monserrate
"I will retire in the BJP," says BJP's Panjim candidate Babush Monserrate when asked about his history of moving from party to party.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fYi37i
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fYi37i
सिटी सेंटर : गणतंत्र दिवस पर पद्म पुरस्कार घोषित, जनरल बिपिन रावत को पद्म विभूषण
गणतंत्र दिवस के मौके पर पद्म पुरस्कारों का ऐलान हुआ है. जनरल बिपिन रावत को पद्म विभूषण से सम्मानित किया गया है. कल्याण सिंह, राधेश्याम खेमका और प्रभा आत्रे को भी पद्म विभूषण दिया गया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FVtWoR
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FVtWoR
Monday, January 24, 2022
Centre conspiring to privatise Singareni: TRS
The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) has alleged that the BJP-led government at the Centre is conspiring to privatise all public sector undertakings, i
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FZ9H9M
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FZ9H9M
Hearing-impaired more attentive to visual clues: study
Such findings have implications not only for understanding the hearing impaired visual system better but also for their education and rehabilitation
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3H1tKWs
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3H1tKWs
3kgs aggressive tumour removed
First reported case of Choriocarcinoma of Liver in pregnant women in India operated at NIMS
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/35dG1sV
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/35dG1sV
Private ambulance provider raises $20 million
Stanplus plans to scale up operations
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3AqZNNg
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3AqZNNg
Former MIM Adilabad district president sentenced to life imprisonment
He shot a youth wih his licensed revolver causing his death
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FWqYk6
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FWqYk6
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : नेताजी के नाम पर अपनी नौकरी बचाते नेताजी
जब भी चुनाव आता है, और स्वास्थ्य से लेकर रोज़गार पर बात करने का अवसर मिलता है, नेता और मीडिया बहस की दिशा को इतिहास और धर्म की तरफ मोड़ देते हैं. ग़लत इतिहास को सही करने के नाम पर अपने मन के हिसाब से ग़लत किए जा रहे हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3IE09mF
from Videos https://ift.tt/3IE09mF
Online classes begin through T-SAT Vidya channel
Online classes for students of Classes VIII, IX and X of as many as 141 State-run high schools commenced through T-SAT Vidya channel in the tribal maj
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3AucHKn
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3AucHKn
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Exclusive: Author Ramachandra Guha On 'Rebels Against The Raj', His Latest
Historian and author Ramachandra Guha speaks to NDTV on his new book 'Rebels against the Raj: Western fighters for India's freedom', stories of seven foreign rebels who fought for India's freedom against the Imperial rule.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nQCoQm
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nQCoQm
Police step up vigil in Bhadrachalam Agency
Villagers in Chhattisgarh ‘protest’ against proposed police camp
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33KokAX
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33KokAX
7 Foreign Rebels Who Fought For India's Freedom
"Mira Behn, who was Gandhi's adopted daughter, was promoting environmental conservation, criticising some of Nehru's development policies for being insensitive to rights of villagers, she played an important role in inspiring Attenborough to make his Oscar winning film," says author Ramachandra Guha as he speaks to NDTV on his new book Rebels Against The Raj.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3KCbR2L
from Videos https://ift.tt/3KCbR2L
दिल्ली में राजपथ पर 73वें गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह के लिए हुई फुल ड्रेस रिहर्सल
दिल्ली में रविवार को राजपथ पर 73वें गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह के लिए फुल ड्रेस रिहर्सल हुई. इस मौके पर देश की सांस्कृतिक विविधता और सैन्य ताकत साफ दिखी.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AxlGuf
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AxlGuf
Tests and COVID cases drop in TS
After four consecutive days of recording over 4,000 COVID-19 cases, Telangana recorded 3,603 virus cases on Sunday. Over one lakh samples were tested
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3KF72pl
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3KF72pl
1,119 cases found during survey in Karimnagar
42,478 houses were covered
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nNh4Ld
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nNh4Ld
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Salaries Of Special Education Teachers Pending For 3 Months In Maharashtra
Teachers and staff of Divyang Schools in Maharashtra including Mumbai are upset. The reason is they have not received salaries for three months. As the teachers face economic difficulties, the Social Justice Minister of the state says the delay is due to Covid and they will get full salary in the next few days
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AmS3fd
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AmS3fd
Farmer writes to KTR ‘seeking nod to end life’
Youth says he was evicted from his fields by officials saying it is govt. land
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/341pjws
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/341pjws
Amit Shah's Door-To-Door Campaign In West UP, Covid Rules Missing In Action
The alleged "exodus" of Hindus from Uttar Pradesh's Kairana before 2017 - a claim debunked by the opposition and the BJP's own - took centre-stage as Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday launched a door-to-door election campaign in the state's west. Visuals showed few - including the senior BJP leader - wearing masks, maintaining social distancing or following the Election Commission's 5-person limit on door-to-door campaigning given the surging coronavirus third wave.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33IdY4z
from Videos https://ift.tt/33IdY4z
Online classes from Jan. 24 for high schools
Intermediate exam fee date extended till Feb. 4
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3KzmRxV
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3KzmRxV
सिटी एक्सप्रेस : मुंबई मे 20 मंजिल की इमारत में आग लगी, छह लोगों की मौत
मुंबई के ताड़देव इलाके में 20 मंजिला इलाके में आग लगने के कारण छह लोगों की मौत हो गई. कई लोग घायल हो गए. इस मामले की जांच जारी है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33zsNXb
from Videos https://ift.tt/33zsNXb
Friday, January 21, 2022
Monkey birth control centres soon
Necessary to make crop diversification successful, opines panel
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qO8HkD
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qO8HkD
What Ex UPA Minister Said On Row Over Land For War Memorial
"There were several options for the location of the war memorial. That is why there was a delay. Subsequently, we identified the land and allocated the budget for the memorial's construction. We have never politicised the sacrosanct issue of nation's defence. Blatant politicisation is happening now, on the basis of one letter," Pallam Raju, former MoS, Defence, on the row over land for war memorial.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FJyFdi
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FJyFdi
Mosques in Vemulawada to make weddings cheaper
‘So far, we have taken signatures of over 100 people’
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33FCfIv
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33FCfIv
NDTV Exclusive: यूपी की जंग के मैदान पर प्रियंका गांधी वाड्रा
उत्तर प्रदेश में आगामी विधानसभा चुनाव से पहले कांग्रेस महासचिव प्रियंका गांधी वाड्रा ने एनडीटीवी के साथ इस बारे में बात की कि कांग्रेस राज्य में अपने मुख्यमंत्री उम्मीदवार के रूप में किसे मैदान में उतारेगी.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Irb0jz
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Irb0jz
HMDA continues demolition drive
HMDA, together with the district level task forces, has continued its spree of demolitions within the limits of Outer Ring Road, taking action against
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FQYGYi
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FQYGYi
Thursday, January 20, 2022
सिटी सेंटर : मैनपुरी की करहल से विधानसभा चुनाव लड़ेंगे अखिलेश यादव
समाजवादी पार्टी अध्यक्ष अखिलेश यादव यूपी विधानसभा चुनाव में मैनपुरी की करहल सीट से प्रत्याशीहोंगे. यह सीट सपा की सुरक्षित सीट कही जाती है. यहां 1993 से लगातार सपा यहां जीती है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AhWeZs
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AhWeZs
Telangana begins fever survey to assess the intensity of COVID-19 cases
Teams to visit every household to check for people with symptoms of COVID-19
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32flvqK
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32flvqK
China's Illegal Bridge Across Pangong Lake: Beijings's Arunachal Provocation
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tGJdaR
दिल्ली में सस्ता हुआ कोरोना टेस्ट, प्राइवेट लैब या हॉस्पिटल में अब इतने रुपये में होगा RT-PCR टेस्ट
दिल्ली सरकार ने RT-PCR और रैपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट के रेट घटाने के आदेश दिए है. प्राइवेट लैब या हॉस्पिटल में RT-PCR टेस्ट का रेट ₹300 किया गया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33SJHzR
from Videos https://ift.tt/33SJHzR
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
सिटी सेंटर : समाजवादी पार्टी छोड़कर BJP में शामिल हुईं अपर्णा यादव, PM मोदी की तारीफ की
मुलायम सिंह यादव की छोटी बहू अपर्णा यादव समाजवादी पार्टी छोड़कर बीजेपी में शामिल हो गई हैं. अपर्णा यादव ने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से प्रभावित होकर वो राष्ट्रवादी पार्टी में जा रही हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3rApLd0
from Videos https://ift.tt/3rApLd0
Chief Minister Candidate, To Declare Or Not To Declare?
As the poll fight intensifies, AAP has declared its Chief Minister face in Punjab, Goa and Uttarakhand. In UP the choice for BJP, SP and BSP is quite clear, while the Congress seems to in big dilemma in Punjab and UP. Can projecting a Chief Minister face swing the voters?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FIWEsY
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FIWEsY
Two awarded life sentence for step-mother’s murder
The IV Addl. Metropolitan Sessions Judge D. Hemanth Kumar on Tuesday convicted two persons for murder of their step-mother.The brothers – Devsoth Mahe
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3GFwatX
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3GFwatX
Why Are Girls Wearing Hijab Barred From Class In Karnataka's Udupi?
Muslim students at a government college in Karnataka's Udupi district have been stopped from attending classes for three weeks after being told they cannot wear a hijab during lessons. Is it not an assault on the fundamental right to religion?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AsN8JP
from Videos https://ift.tt/3AsN8JP
Daily COVID caseload close to 3,000-mark
Oxygen bed occupancy crosses 1,000
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FFQAld
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FFQAld
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
'Drunkard' Tag Haunts Bhagwant Mann, AAP's Chief Minister Pick
When asked about his political rivals bringing up his alcohol issues, AAP's Chief Minister candidate Bhagwant Mann said former-Punjab Chief Minister "used to do cheers with his Pakistani friends in videos and a Minister of Sukhbir Badal's party is involved in drugs".
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nBCQSp
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nBCQSp
Strings attached to Sankranti revelry
From serious injuries to power interruptions, carelessly-discarded manja is posing grave threat
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3GDyWjg
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3GDyWjg
AAP's Counter To Bhagwant Mann's Past Drinking Problem
Bhagwant Mann and AAP were often ridiculed over the MP's drinking. He was accused of coming to public events drunk. When asked about it, Raghav Chadha, AAP's co-incharge for Punjab polls, said, "The senior most leader of the BJP for example Late Atal Ji used to enjoy this drink. What's the harm in enjoying one's drink?"
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fyzyL4
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fyzyL4
SIDBI to help State in MSME development
MoU inked for developing ecosystem
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33pgtIR
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33pgtIR
Drop In Covid Cases A Result Of Fewer Tests?
Just a week after broadening the conditions that do not require COVID-19 tests, the government on Tuesday said the number of coronavirus tests in the country had fallen and needed to be ramped up. Flagging the declining tests in many states and union territories, the Centre has asked them to step up testing to keep an effective track of the pandemic and take proper action. Is the decline in daily numbers linked to fewer tests?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tHBLfs
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tHBLfs
Monday, January 17, 2022
After Slamming Congress, Trinamool's U-Turn In Goa?
After attacking the Congress, why is the TMC now wanting to ally with it? Sushmita Dev, Rajya Sabha MP, Trinamool, says "We came to Goa saying someone needs to defeat the BJP and the Congress cannot do it on their own."
from Videos https://ift.tt/33mntX4
from Videos https://ift.tt/33mntX4
Bhatti Vikramarka, Maheswar Reddy test COVID positive
Congress Legislator Party (CLP) leader M. Bhatti Vikramarka and All India Congress Committee (AICC) programme implementation committee chairman Mahesw
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3tE8SRl
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3tE8SRl
AAP Survey Says Party Closely Behind BJP In Goa: Party Leader
"News Survey says AAP is just 2% points behind BJP and there is still 3 weeks of campaigning remaining", says Rahul Mhambre, Convener, AAP Goa on the upcoming assembly elections in Goa.
from Videos https://ift.tt/34SxHP7
from Videos https://ift.tt/34SxHP7
After Virat Kohli, Who Will Be India's Next Test Captain?
Rohit Sharma, KL Rahul, Pant or R Ashwin - Who will replace Virat Kohli as India's next test captain?
from Videos https://ift.tt/327XB0r
from Videos https://ift.tt/327XB0r
West UP Hindu-Muslim Rhetoric Redux? The Kairana Exodus Faceoff
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has hit out at the Samajwadi Party, saying that it gave tickets to candidates who were responsible for the alleged exodus of Hindu traders from Kairana, while BJP's MLA from Loni got pulled up by the poll-panel for his 'No Ali, No Bahubali, only Bajrangbali remark. Is BJP trying a polarisation experiment in West UP?
from Videos https://ift.tt/34ONSgk
from Videos https://ift.tt/34ONSgk
Fight Between Congress, BJP In Goa: P Chidambaram's Swipe At Trinamool
"It is a contest between the Congress and the BJP (in Goa). And if anyone acknowledges that the opposition to the BJP has to be Congress plus, not plus Congress they may make an offer to the Congress on what they want," P Chidambaram, Rajya Sabha MP, Congress, said on the upcoming elections in Goa, and the Congress' role.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fAGF5P
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fAGF5P
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Woman found dead in rented apartment
A 23-year-old woman was found dead in her rented apartment at Chintalmet under Rajendranagar police station limits here on Saturday night. According t
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33hcpdL
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33hcpdL
सिटी एक्सप्रेस : यूपी में सियासी उथल पुथल का दौर जारी
यूपी में सियासी उथल पुथल का दौर जारी है, यूपी में कानपुर के कमिश्नर रहे IPS अधिकारी असीम अरुण बीजेपी में शामिल हुए वहीं योगी सरकार के बाग़ी मंत्री दारा सिंह चौहान समाजवादी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए. क्या कुछ हुआ पूरे दिन यूपी की सियासत में देखिए ये रिपोर्ट.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3GzyJNT
from Videos https://ift.tt/3GzyJNT
Vigil intensified in border to track tiger
The Forest Department has intensified vigil in the fringe areas of forests in Mahadevpur mandal after a cow was reportedly mauled to death by a tiger
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3ftdx02
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3ftdx02
इंडिया@9: यूपी में चुनावी टक्कर, नेताओं का आना-जाना जारी
यूपी में सियासी उथल पुथल का दौर जारी है, यूपी में कानपुर के कमिश्नर रहे IPS अधिकारी असीम अरुण बीजेपी में शामिल हुए वहीं योगी सरकार के बाग़ी मंत्री दारा सिंह चौहान समाजवादी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए. क्या कुछ हुआ पूरे दिन यूपी की सियासत में देखिए ये रिपोर्ट.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fwMeSS
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fwMeSS
Telangana punters bet high on Andhra Pradesh rooster fights
Several mango orchards on the Andhra Pradesh side of the inter-State border hosted cockfights, banned violent sport involving roosters, with many pun
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fr02hH
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fr02hH
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Revanth spends more time at party HQs
TPCC chief informed about his inaccessibility at the party headquarters by Manickam Tagore
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nqugpi
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nqugpi
3 Covid +ve Children Die In Delhi, Doctors Say They Had Other Ailments
The big question many people, including many parents, have been asking is what effect Omicron has on children. Worries have increased in the national capital after it was reported that 3 Covid positive children also died. But doctors have clarified that Covid positivity was incidental and they were already hospitalised for other serious ailments.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33nx4fZ
from Videos https://ift.tt/33nx4fZ
Cong. condemns arrest of teachers at Pragati Bhavan
Telangana Congress president Revanth Reddy has strongly condemned the arrest of teachers protesting at Pragati Bhavan demanding the abolition of GO 31
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fuc5La
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fuc5La
BJP Announces 1st List Of Candidates For UP Polls
The BJP released its first list of candidates for the Uttar Pradesh election. Yogi Adityanath will fight the polls from stronghold Gorakhpur, not Ayodhya. There was speculation earlier that Yogi Adityanath - who has never stood in an Assembly election before - would contest from either Ayodhya or Mathura. Is Gorakhpur really a safe option? In today's list, the BJP also named candidates for 105 other seats, of which it won 83 in 2017. The winning MLAs from 63 of these seats have been retained. Only 10 women candidates have been named by the BJP.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3twJr4i
from Videos https://ift.tt/3twJr4i
TS punters bet high on rooster fights in AP
KHAMMAMSeveral mango orchards on the Andhra Pradesh side of the inter-State border hosted cockfights, banned violent sport involving roosters, with ma
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fuukQo
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fuukQo
Friday, January 14, 2022
भगवान राम को कमाल खान ने इस तरह से जाना-समझा
कमाल खान की रिपोर्ट- काफी समय पहले हमारे घर में भी राम दरबार की झांकी का कैलेंडर लगा था. हमने भगवान राम को ऐसा ही जाना था. मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम, सौम्य, शालीन, धीर, गंभीर, वीर और त्यागी. लेकिन वीएचपी ने उन्हें ऐसा बनाया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tuYAD4
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tuYAD4
दिसंबर 2021 में देश में थोक महंगाई दर 13.56 प्रतिशत के उच्च स्तर पर रही
सरकार की लाख कोशिशों के बवजूद देश में महंगाई का संकट बना हुआ है. शुक्रवार को कॉमर्स मिनिस्ट्री ने आंकड़े जारी किए. दिसंबर 2021 में देश में थोक महंगाई दर 13.56 प्रतिशत के उच्च स्तर पर रही.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3A0ZWGX
from Videos https://ift.tt/3A0ZWGX
गणतंत्र दिवस से पहले दिल्ली की गाजीपुर फूल मंडी में बम मिलने से हड़कंप मचा
गणतंत्र दिवस से पहले दिल्ली की गाजीपुर फूल मंडी में एक लावारिस बैग मिलने से हड़कंप मच गया. पता चला कि बैक में आईईडी से लैस बम है, तो मंडी खाली कराई गई. फिर पास में बड़ा गड्ढा करके बम को कंट्रोल्ड ब्लास्ट करके नाकाम किया गया.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K90EXg
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K90EXg
कमाल खान ने टीवी पत्रकारिता में किए कई अनूठे प्रयोग, कई रिपोर्टें कालजयी
कमाल खान हम सबके बीच अपनी खबरों के जरिए हमेशा रहेंगे. उन रिपोर्ट्स के जरिए जो कालजयी कही जा सकती हैं. उन्होंने टीवी में अनूठे प्रयोग किए. उनकी ऐसी ही कुछ खास रिपोर्ट्स के अंश.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fnkyQj
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fnkyQj
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : जिस पेशे को अपने पसीने से कमाल ख़ान ने सींचा वो अब उनसे वीरान हो गया...
जिस पेशे को कमाल खान ने अपने पसीने से सींचा, वह अब उनसे वीरान हो गया. कमाल खान हमारे बीच नहीं हैं. वे एनडीटीवी से तीस साल से जुड़े थे. एक ऐसे काबिल हमसफर साथी को अलविदा कहना, थोड़ा थोड़ा खुद को भी अलविदा कहना है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K81IuF
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K81IuF
Thursday, January 13, 2022
KCR’s national political entry is a possibility: KTR
During an hour-long interaction on Twitter, Mr. Rao left no opportunity to target the Bharatiya Janata Party
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zV513B
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zV513B
Visa issues keep Afghan family apart
Man is held up in Afghanistan due to visa issues while wife and four children are stranded in India
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3trCGR8
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3trCGR8
Fake certificates gang busted in Warangal
Racket run in the guise of educational consultancies
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/31U686S
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/31U686S
Firms ink MoU to launch Bitcoin, Ethereum Futures ETF
An equal joint venture between Cosmea Financial Holdings and Hyderabad-based Blockchain start-up Kling Trading India has entered into a memorandum of
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3Gtie5V
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3Gtie5V
Miyan Mishk Mahal is a picture of neglect
Inner chambers of the 350-year-old palace covered in soot as civic workers burnt trash
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3no8nXC
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3no8nXC
Nandan Nilekani On "Anti-National Infosys" Attack: "Must Keep Calm"
Here's Infosys Co-Founder Nandan Nilekani's response to the "anti-national Infosys" attack by the RSS-linked journal Panchjanya, which raked up a controversy last year.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FuSzsm
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FuSzsm
'Miniscule Ad Business, India Can't Create Social Media Giants': Nandan Nilekani To NDTV
"India is a miniscule advertising market, and there isn't enough revenue to create these giants (like Facebook, Twitter)," says Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fnVfNW
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fnVfNW
Infosys Co-Founder Nandan Nilekani On India's Digital Tightrope
"We cannot get away from technology, but we should learn how to use it better," says Infosys Co-founder Nandan Nilekani on why he decided to write his new book - "The Art of Bitfulness, Keeping Calm in the Digital World".
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HXqlbk
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HXqlbk
'Should Have Public And Private Alternatives To Big Tech': Author Tanuj Bhojwani
"Ideally, there should be both public and private alternatives (to big tech) so that the control they have over our lives reduces" says Tanuj Bhojwani, who co-authored the book "The Art of Bitfulness, Keeping Calm in the Digital World" with Infosys' Nandan Nilekani.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FsCnYF
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FsCnYF
सिटी सेंटर : दिल्ली में रिकॉर्ड तोड़ कोरोना केस, 24 घंटों में 28,867 नए मामले
दिल्ली में कोरोना वायरस के मामलों ने गुरुवार को रिकॉर्ड तोड़ा है. राजधानी में पिछले 24 घंटों में 28,867 नए मामले सामने आए हैं. अब तक एक दिन में ये कोरोना के सबसे ज्यादा मामले हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K72M1N
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K72M1N
Reveal vacancy list on transfers, demand vets
More vacancies opened after transfers
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fjZE4v
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fjZE4v
Best regional centre award for chemical engineers body
The Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) selected Hyderabad Regional Centre (HRC) for the Best Regional Centre (BRC) Award 2021.The award wa
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FrUvlw
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FrUvlw
Exclusive: Satellite Images Show Villages Set Up By China Near Doklam
High-resolution satellite imagery sourced by NDTV confirms that China may be constructing at least two large, interconnected villages well within the territory of Bhutan. These lie less than 30 km from the Doklam plateau where India and China had a tense stand-off in 2017 when Indian soldiers physically blocked Chinese road construction activity. Since then, China has bypassed Indian positions to resume road construction activity from another axis, just nine kilometres from the Doklam face-off site. It has also constructed at least one full-fledged village, first identified by NDTV, with satellite images in November 2020. (Courtesy: Satellite Images @2021 Maxar Technologies)
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nqmGel
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nqmGel
Chenna Reddy’s contributions recalled on his 103rd birth anniversary
The 103rd birth anniversary of former Chief Minister Marri Chenna Reddy saw a stream of Congress leaders visiting his memorial at Indira Park and payi
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FqZfYk
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FqZfYk
Top News Of The Day: PM Modi Reviews Covid Situation As Cases Surge
India has entered the third year of the fight against "one of the biggest epidemics in 100 years", Prime Minister Narendra Modi said this evening after he held a meeting with Chief Ministers to discuss the unprecedented spike in Covid infections. Distressing visuals have surfaced of multiple passengers trapped in the debris after a train accident in North Bengal. 12 coaches of the Guwahati-Bikaner Express train derailed near the Maynaguri town of Jalpaiguri district in West Bengal today. The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh today lost a third minister and backward caste leader, Dharam Singh Saini, who had earlier hotly denied that he was quitting the BJP.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3r9KELO
from Videos https://ift.tt/3r9KELO
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
120 students and faculty of IITH test COVID positive, kept in isolation
All of them are having mild symptoms
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FrhrRD
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3FrhrRD
'बीजेपी के ताबूत में अंतिम कील, शुक्रवार तक प्रतीक्षा करें': स्वामी प्रसाद मौर्य ने NDTV से कहा
'14 फरवरी (शुक्रवार) को सब खुलासा हो जाएगा.' यूपी के कद्दावर ओबीसी नेता स्वामी प्रसाद मौर्य ने यूपी विधानसभा चुनाव के महज एक माह पहले बीजेपी और योगी आदित्यनाथ सरकार का मंत्री पद छोड़ने के बाद अपने राजनीतिक भविष्य को लेकर चल रही अटकलों का यह जवाब दिया.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3qlc8z7
from Videos https://ift.tt/3qlc8z7
Support State in its fight against Centre, CM urges public
‘BJP has pushed rural economy into doldrums, handed over the farm sector to corporates’
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nkhbOo
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nkhbOo
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : स्वामी प्रसाद मौर्य के बाद योगी सरकार से एक और मंत्री का इस्तीफा
ऐसा किसने सोचा था कि मोदी और योगी के नेतृत्व के रहते ईडी और आयकर के रहते बीजेपी के मंत्री और विधायक पार्टी छोड़ने लगेंगे. अब ये नेतृत्व की विफलता है या विभाग की विफलता है, इस पर गोदी मीडिया के एंकर ही बेहतर बता सकते हैं. बाकी इसका नतीजों पर क्या असर पड़ेगा? मेरी इस पर टिप्पणी नहीं है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/34Myt07
from Videos https://ift.tt/34Myt07
‘Centre looking into charges against KCR’
CM resorting to new tactics of exploring political front to save himself: Bandi
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fkU81k
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3fkU81k
AIMIM’s Jafri is new protem Chairman of Legislative Council
The journalist-turned-politician has been MLC for 12 years
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3I2zYp5
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3I2zYp5
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Ahead Of Polls, 'VIP' Hate Explodes
"The SC in 1995 had upheld the disenfranchisement, Bal Thackeray lost his right to vote in this country for 6 long years... It happened then, and it should certainly be happening again. The SC needs to step in here," Farah Naqvi, writer and activist, said on 'VIP' hate speech in India, which has seen a 1,130% rise under the Modi government according to NDTV Hate Speech tracker.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K4Oper
from Videos https://ift.tt/3K4Oper
BJP's 'Sabka Saath' Hype vs Hate Speech Reality
When asked why the BJP has not taken any action against those inciting hate through speeches, Dushyant Dave, senior lawyer, Supreme Court, said: "This is BJP's agenda, if it was not, then the PM would have stepped in. PM loves to tweet on a drop of a hat but he doesn't tweet on this matter at all."
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fgBHLa
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fgBHLa
NDTV Tracker: BJP Leads India's 'Hate' Wave
"Owaisi has made hundreds of hate speeches", says BJP Karnataka Spokesperson Dr Vaman Acharya on 'VIP' hate speech in India, which has seen a 1,130% rise under the Modi government.
from Videos https://ift.tt/31Ozgwt
from Videos https://ift.tt/31Ozgwt
Foxconn's iPhone India Plant To Reopen On January 12
Apple supplier Foxconn will reopen its shuttered iPhone manufacturing facility in southern India on January 12. The Foxconn plant, located in the state of Tamil Nadu, was closed on December 18 following protests over 250 of its workers being treated for food poisoning.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HYRSZQ
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HYRSZQ
With Curbs On Rallies, Political Parties Change Strategies
The Election Commission has made it clear that all public gatherings are banned till January 15 in states where polls are to be held. In poll-bound Punjab, this has forced some political parties to get creative with their campaigns and it has resulted in a windfall for digital media and marketing companies. But others are worried that a largely online campaign will have a limited reach. NDTV's Mohammed Ghazali reports.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nharRi
from Videos https://ift.tt/3nharRi
Does Delhi Need Lockdown? AAP Leader On Government Strategy
As Delhi's positivity and cases keep rising, the Delhi government has introduced more curbs, including work from home for all private offices unless they provide essential services. On the show tonight, senior AAP leader Aatishi on the Delhi government's decision.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fie9QE
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fie9QE
State gearing up to introduce new comprehensive sports policy
The State Government is gearing up to introduce a new sports policy for encouraging different sports activities with special focus on promoting swimmi
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33pDI50
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33pDI50
Top News Of The Day: Team Yogi Loses Key Minister Plus 4 Others
In a massive hit to the BJP and Yogi Adityanath just before the Uttar Pradesh election, a minister and four MLAs quit today and joined the party's main challenger, Akhilesh Yadav. Swami Prasad Maurya, a top minister in the Yogi Adityanath government, posted his resignation letter on Twitter. Delhi on Tuesday reported 21,259 new Covid cases, a 10% increase from yesterday (19,166), in the last 24 hours. Mumbai reported 11,647 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, a drop of 2,001 from the previous day and fourth straight day of downward trend, taking the tally to 9,39,867. It is the people of Punjab who will decide who will be the Chief Minister and not the party high command, Navjot Singh Sidhu dropped this truth-bomb while answering mediapersons today.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FhK8k7
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FhK8k7
खबरों की खबर : यूपी बीजेपी में बड़ी बगावत, पांच विधायकों का इस्तीफा
उत्तर प्रदेश की राजनीति में आज धमाकेदार कांड हुआ. यदि राजनीति का अध्ययन करना हो तो यह गजब का प्रदेश है. आज चुनाव से एक महीने पहले यूपी में इस्तीफे हुए हैं. इसकी अगुवाई की है स्वामी प्रसाद मौर्य ने.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tgUxKt
from Videos https://ift.tt/3tgUxKt
Monday, January 10, 2022
Season of ‘sickness’ sees rise in number of little patients
But COVID cases among children are low, symptoms mild, say doctors
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3neGzF3
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3neGzF3
Why Are Haridwar Hate Assembly Speakers Still Not In Jail?
Hate speeches including open calls for genocide made at a "Dharma Sansad" in Haridwar will be taken up by the Supreme Court. "We will take up the matter," Chief Justice of India NV Ramana said on Monday. The petition, filed by former High Court Justice Anjana Prakash and journalist Kurban Ali, flags hate speeches targeting Muslims and calls for an independent, credible and fair probe by a Special Investigation Team. On Trending Tonight, we ask the question: why is the Haridwar hate assembly speakers still not in Jail?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fe6K4M
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fe6K4M
Crucial meeting of TS, AP Chief Secretaries tomorrow
Meeting convened by Union Home Secretary to discuss bifurcation issues
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3GihwIM
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3GihwIM
नाइका के आईपीओ को लेकर कोटक महिंद्रा बैंक और भारत पे के बीच विवाद
पिछले दिनों नाइका का आईपीओ आया. इसको लेकर अब कोटक महिंद्रा बैंक और भारत पे के बीच नया विवाद शुरू हो गया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3GfZJBU
from Videos https://ift.tt/3GfZJBU
AR constable found dead
A 29-year-old Armed Reserve (AR) constable of the old undivided Khammam district, who was recently allotted to Mulugu district, allegedly hanged himse
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nbBWeW
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3nbBWeW
खबरों की खबर : हरिद्वार की नफरत गैंग जेल में क्यों नहीं है?
हरिद्वार की नफरत गैंग जेल में क्यों नहीं है? ऐसी क्या मजबूरी है कि जघन्य अपराध करने वाले इस गैंग के सदस्य अब तक जेल से बाहर हैं. उनके खिलाफ कोई कार्रवाई नहीं हुई, कोई पूछताछ नहीं हुई.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3r4vWpx
from Videos https://ift.tt/3r4vWpx
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Booster Doses For Frontline Workers, Seniors Begin Today
Precautionary third doses of vaccines -- announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi last month -- will be given to health and frontline workers and immuno-compromised seniors starting today as Covid numbers spike in the country, driven by Omicron.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fc4osA
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fc4osA
The Biggest Stories Of January 9, 2022
The Biggest Stories Of January 9, 2022
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fc1Nd0
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fc1Nd0
BJP Wins Chandigarh Mayor Race By 1 Vote. "Illegally Elected," Says AAP
The Aam Aadmi Party has claimed the "shocking death of democracy" after a BJP leader - Municipal Councillor Sarabjit Kaur - was declared the winner of the mayoral race in Chandigarh yesterday, beating out the AAP's Anju Katyal by one vote.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zDYRVo
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zDYRVo
Mumbai, Delhi Covid Cases To Peak Between Jan 15-20: Expert
The Covid cases in Mumbai and Delhi - the two big metropolitan cities - will peak around January 15-20, says Dr Shashank Joshi, member, COVID-19 Task Force, Maharashtra. "We should be out of this soon if we're following the South Africa model," he says.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3GifXe4
from Videos https://ift.tt/3GifXe4
How AIIMS Is Dealing With 300 Health Workers Testing Covid +ve
Simple surgeries are being postponed at the AIIMS, says Dr Anjan Trikha, Chairman of Clinical managerial group Covid centre, AIIMS, as more than 300 health workers have tested positive for Covid. "No oxygen crisis as of now...By curtailing non-emergencies, we're able to focus on Covid patients," she says.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fcG75H
from Videos https://ift.tt/3fcG75H
"Need To Stop Super-Spreader Events": Top Expert
Super-spreader events should be banned, says Dr Anjan Trikha, Chairman of Clinical managerial group Covid centre, AIIMS. "Nothing to panic over. This is nothing like the second wave," she says.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zJxyJo
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zJxyJo
Precautionary Doses Big Relief For Frontline Workers: Expert
Precautionary doses are a big relief for frontline workers, says Dr Suresh Kumar, MD, LNJP hospital, and member, Delhi Covid Task Force. The doctor added that it will also bring down hospitalisations.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33gkb7k
from Videos https://ift.tt/33gkb7k
यदि पहले ही सख्त कार्रवाई होती तो बुल्ली बाई ऐप जैसा मामला सामने न आता : हसीबा अमीन
हसीबा अमीन ने एनडीटीवी से कहा कि उन्होंने मई में एफआईआर दर्ज कराई थी लेकिन जांच आगे नहीं बढ़ी. मुझे लगता है कि उस समय यदि सख्त कार्रवाई होती तो बुल्ली बाई ऐप जैसा मामला फिर से नहीं होता.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3qbzuHu
from Videos https://ift.tt/3qbzuHu
भोपाल में पुलिस कांस्टेबल को लंबी मूछें नहीं काटने पर सस्पेंड किया
भोपाल में पुलिस कांस्टेबल राकेश राणा को इसलिए निलंबित कर दिया गया क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी लंबी मूंछें काटने से इनकार कर दिया था. वे विंग कमांडर अभिनंदन जैसी मूंछें रखे हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3r4Z1B6
from Videos https://ift.tt/3r4Z1B6
CPI (Maoist) targets false campaign
The State committee of CPI (Maoist) has highlighted a couple of instances to show how the government and police were running a false campaign against
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zCUD0c
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zCUD0c
Attention to detail before postings
Police chief wants smooth functioning of department
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3HKVVZO
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3HKVVZO
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Inflation Will Rise But May Not Hit Double Digits: Top Trends Of 2022
Inflation may not hit double digits, says global investor and author Ruchir Sharma as he talks about the top 10 trends of global economy in 2022 with NDTV's Prannoy Roy.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3q8gj13
from Videos https://ift.tt/3q8gj13
Be resilient to change, Dhruva graduates told
Management college celebrates silver jubilee
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qX3BRT
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qX3BRT
मास्टमाइंड नीरज विश्नोई ने किया खुलासा, 15 साल की उम्र से ही कर रहा है हैकिंग
बुल्ली बाई ऐप के मास्टमाइंड नीरज विश्नोई ने खुलासा किया है कि वह सुली डेज बनाने वाले शख्स के भी संपर्क में था. विश्नोई के मुताबिक वह 15 साल की उम्र से ही हैकिंग कर रहा है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33f5fGg
from Videos https://ift.tt/33f5fGg
प्रणय रॉय और इनवेस्टर रुचिर शर्मा की 2022 के टॉप 10 ट्रेंड्स पर चर्चा
अर्थव्यवस्था के शीर्ष 10 ट्रेंड्स पर चर्चा की. शर्मा के अनुसार, मुद्रास्फीति ने थोड़ा बेहतर व्यवहार किया, विशेष रूप से उपभोक्ता मूल्य स्तर पर, और इसलिए वास्तव में 2021 में वैश्विक आधार पर भारत की मुद्रास्फीति रैंकिंग में सुधार हुआ.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3JWDeV8
from Videos https://ift.tt/3JWDeV8
Global Debt Trap Deepening: Top Trends Of 2022
Over 25 nations presently have 'debt to GDP' ratio of over 300 per cent. Global investor and author Ruchir Sharma discusses top trends of 2022 with NDTV's Prannoy Roy.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3n75H0q
from Videos https://ift.tt/3n75H0q
सिटी एक्सप्रेस : निर्वाचन आयोग ने पांच राज्यों में विधानसभा चुनाव की तारीखें घोषित कीं
देश में चुनावी बिगुल बज गया है. एक तरफ कोरोना के मामले भले ही लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं, वहीं दूसरी तरफ चुनाव आयोग ने पांच राज्यों में विधानसभा चुनाव की तारीखों का ऐलान कर दिया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/33930Ex
from Videos https://ift.tt/33930Ex
पांच राज्यों में विधानसभा चुनाव का ऐलान, यूपी में सात चरणों में मतदान
चुनाव आयोग ने पांच राज्यों उत्तर प्रदेश, मणिपुर, पंजाब, उत्तराखंड और गोवा में विधानसभा चुनाव की तारीखों का ऐलान कर दिया है. सबसे बड़े राज्य उत्तर प्रदेश में सात चरणों में मतदान होगा. पहले चरण में 10 फरवरी को मतदान होगा. 10 मार्च को पांचों राज्यों के नतीजे आएंगे.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3q9Jelv
from Videos https://ift.tt/3q9Jelv
Telangana BJP leaders submit memorandum to Governor on Modi’s security breach
The State unit of the BJP has submitted a memorandum to Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on obstructing the convoy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JTw9V5
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JTw9V5
मुकाबला : विधानसभा चुनाव की तारीखें घोषित, 15 जनवरी तक ऑनलाइन कैंपेन
पांच राज्यों में चुनाव की तारीखें घोषित कर दी गई हैं. यूपी में सात चरणों में चुनाव होगा. अब 15 जनवरी तक ऑनलाइन कैंपेन होगी. सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियों ने प्रचार का सिलसिला शुरू भी कर दिया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3n7BoXH
from Videos https://ift.tt/3n7BoXH
Bandi gets PM’s call
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, called up Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar to inquire about his recent incarceration and subseque
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32ZfbUI
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/32ZfbUI
Friday, January 7, 2022
Former IFS officer connects passion with purpose
Praveen Rao Koli is creating awareness on nature, wildlife through photography, YouTube channel
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33fRxDj
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/33fRxDj
Blockchain Degrees: The 'Unforgeable' Future?
In a huge moment for India's crypto-verse, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched blockchain-based degrees at IIT Kanpur a few days ago. How was this idea conceived - and what does this mean for the future of blockchain applications in India? To understand this, we speak to Professor Manindra Agrawal from the Computer Science and Engineering department at IIT Kanpur.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HHwR63
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HHwR63
Postings of district cadre employees completed
The State government has announced that postings of district cadre employees taken up as part of reallocation of staff in line with the new presidenti
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3n4yq62
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3n4yq62
PM's Security Breach Used As A Political Opportunity?
In a border state, the security of the Prime Minister's convoy was breached. But at a time when this should only be a concern for all, this issue has now been completely politicized by both Congress and the BJP. While the BJP claims that Congress conspired to physically harm the PM, Congress is linking it to Punjabi pride. Are the parallel probes and constant back and forth over this extremely sensitive issue only for elections?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3JPEJnI
from Videos https://ift.tt/3JPEJnI
TRS MLA’s son arrested
TRS suspends Raghavendra, accused in suicide abetment case
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JJaX42
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JJaX42
Congress MP's Message To Congress, BJP On PM Security Breach
Congress MP Manish Tewari sends a message to both his own party and the BJP over the politics over the PM's security breach incident - "The security of the Prime Minister has to be above parties and politics. Concerning that the issue concerning an alleged security breach has become political", he says.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3f1JZqj
from Videos https://ift.tt/3f1JZqj
Thursday, January 6, 2022
मुंबई में जल्द दौड़ेगी पहली वॉटर टैक्सी, मिनटों में तय होगा घंटों का सफर
मुंबई में पहली वॉटर टैक्सी शुरू होने जा रही है, जिसके जरिये दक्षिण मुंबई से नवी मुंबई, बेलापुर, जेएनपीटी और नेरुल का घंटों का सफर मिनटों में तय हो सकेगा.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3G40nm4
from Videos https://ift.tt/3G40nm4
पुलिस की गाड़ी से कैदी फरार
ब्राजील में हथकड़ी पहने कैदी पुलिस की गाड़ी से भागने में सफल रहा. फुटेज में उसे भागने से पहले पुलिस की चलती गाड़ी से कूदते हुए देखा गया है. (Video credit: ViralHog)
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fewrm9
from Videos https://ift.tt/3Fewrm9
Virat Kohli Was Missed In Johannesburg Test: Experts
After India's 7-wicket loss, experts say Virat Kohli's captaincy and energy was missed in Johannesburg.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3t4am7l
from Videos https://ift.tt/3t4am7l
सिटी सेंटर : महाराष्ट्र में फिर कोरोना विस्फोट, दिल्ली में भी 15 हजार से अधिक केस
महाराष्ट्र में 24 घंटों में कोरोना के 36265 नए केस दर्ज किए गए और इस दौरान 13 लोगों की मौत भी हुई. वहीं दिल्ली में भी 15 हजार से अधिक कोरोना मरीज मिले हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/32NgaHD
from Videos https://ift.tt/32NgaHD
Amputated fingers replanted
Amputated fingers of a 23-year-old youth were replanted by doctors at a private hospital in Hyderabad. The patient injured his left hand while working
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zxf2DE
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zxf2DE
PM Security Breach: Who Is Responsible?
On a day that saw claims and counterclaims from the Centre, SPG, the Punjab Police and the Punjab CM, the one thing that is still not clear - who is responsible for the massive security breach? In the middle of the blamegame, the big question still not answered - where does the buck stop?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HBt8GU
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HBt8GU
Hyderabad cardiologists operate on Myanmar PM’s grandchild
Two senior cardiologists from Hyderabad were being flown down to Yangon, Myanmar, to operate on the grandchild of Prime Minister of Myanmar Min Aung H
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3pYLyeX
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3pYLyeX
नितिन गडकरी का दावा, 'यूपी में पिछली बार से भी अच्छी जीत मिलेगी'
नितिन गडकरी ने कहा कि यूपी में हमें पिछली बार से भी अधिक सीट मिलेंगी और अन्य राज्यों में भी हमारी जीत होगी.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HI1tV2
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HI1tV2
Numaish ‘closed down’
The All lndia Industrial Exhibition at Nampally was shut down on Thursday on receipt of a communication from Police Commissioner C.V. Anand to close t
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qUB3sj
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qUB3sj
नितिन गडकरी ने क्यों कहा, 'राहुल गांधी को गंभीरता से नहीं लेना चाहिए'
नितिन गडकरी ने कहा कि राहुल गांधी को गंभीरता से नहीं लेना चाहिए. उनकी पार्टी भी नहीं लेती, देश की जनता भी नहीं लेते और हम भी उन्हें गंभीरता से नहीं लेते.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3F0S74W
from Videos https://ift.tt/3F0S74W
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Over ₹6,000 crore transferred to farmers: Niranjan Reddy
Agriculture Minister Niranjan Reddy has informed that ₹6,008.27 crore was transferred to 60,16,697 farmers under the Rythu Bandhu scheme, so far. On W
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JJQJar
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JJQJar
PM 'Security Breach', Now A Full-Blown Political War
Prime minister's motorcade waiting on top of a flyover, en route Ferozepur in Punjab, a massive security breach that left him stuck on a highway for 20 minutes, has resulted in a full-blown political war now between the BJP and the Congress. The BJP accused Punjab's ruling Congress of "murderous intentions" while Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, denying any lapse, said he would die for the Prime Minister. With various versions of the events being narrated, what exactly happened?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mUc2ML
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mUc2ML
No paracetamol, painkillers needed after Covaxin jab: Bharat Biotech
Medication is recommended only after you consult a physician,” the company said
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JUWp1w
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JUWp1w
पीएम मोदी की सुरक्षा में चूक पर सियासत तेज, कांग्रेस-बीजेपी में वार-पलटवार
पंजाब में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की रैली रद्द होने के मसले पर अब काफी राजनीति हो रही है. प्रधानमंत्री को आज फिरोजपुर में रैली करनी थी. गृह मंत्रालय के अनुसार पीएम मोदी का काफिला जब फ्लाई ओवर पर पहुंचा, तो वहां प्रदर्शनकारियों ने रास्ता जाम कर रखा था. जिसके बाद पीएम का काफी वापस बठिंडा एयरपोर्ट पर लौट गया.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zviGOH
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zviGOH
Google Fast Pair Will Now Let You Instantly Connect Headphones With TV
Google on Wednesday announced the expansion of Fast Pair to devices including smart TVs, Chromebooks, and smart home devices. The company also revealed that it is working on a quick setup for...
‘No paracetamol, painkillers needed after Covaxin jab’
Medication is recommended only after you consult a physician,” the company said
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3n11Xxr
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3n11Xxr
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Coronavirus: Weekend Curfew In Karnataka From Friday
Karnataka is witnessing an "alarming rate of increase" in coronavirus patients, "attributed mainly due to (the) Omicron variant", the Basavaraj Bommai government said late Tuesday evening, announcing the return of weekend curfews in the southern state from Friday.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ePiBfd
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ePiBfd
आज फिरोजपुर में होंगे PM मोदी, रैली को करेंगे संबोधित
कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों के बीच चुनावी रैलियां जारी हैं. आज फिरोजपुर में पीएम मोदी होंगे. वहां बीजेपी के चुनाव प्रचार की शुरूआत करेंगे. यहां पर एक रैली को संबोधित करेंगे.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3pVx1kg
from Videos https://ift.tt/3pVx1kg
In Mumbai, RT-PCR Covid Tests Mandatory For International Flyers
All international passengers landing in Mumbai will now be asked to take a rapid RT-PCR Covid test, say a set of fresh guidelines released Tuesday night, as the state recorded over 18,000 fresh coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, 50 per cent higher than Monday. Those who test positive will then have to take a routine RT-PCR Covid test at the airport.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ETXumw
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ETXumw
प्राइवेट अस्पताल कोरोना मरीजों के इलाज के लिए बेड करें आरक्षित : दिल्ली सरकार का आदेश
बढ़ते हुए कोरोना मामले के मद्देनजर दिल्ली सरकार ने दिल्ली के प्राइवेट अस्पतालों और नर्सिंग होम्स में कोरोना मरीजों के इलाज के लिए बेड आरक्षित करने का निर्देश दे दिया है. दिल्ली सरकार ने ये आदेश दिया है कि सभी प्राइवेट अस्पताल जिनकी कुल क्षमता 50 बेड की है या उससे ज्यादा है. अपने यहां कम से कम 40 फीसदी बेड कोरोना मरीजों के लिए आरक्षति करें
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zqipMT
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zqipMT
"His Intention Is Good, But...": Navjot Sidhu On Chief Minister Charanjit Channi
The Punjab Congress chief said he considered himself a soldier, doing his job and fighting on issues critical to Punjab, like its debt and fiscal deficit. "We are soldiers, we are doing our job. Those who want to make trouble are doing that. Sidhu is firm on issues. He does issue-based politics. And the biggest issue currently is that we have more than Rs, 3 lakh crore debt. Our fiscal deficit is huge," Mr Sidhu told NDTV in an interview. "His (Mr Channi's) intention is good. But he needs to follow through with budgetary allocation, research and proper policy to salvage the state," Mr Sidhu said.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ETEpAL
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ETEpAL
मथुरा से सीएम योगी लड़ें चुनाव : बीजेपी के राज्यसभा सांसद बोलें
उत्तरप्रदेश चुनाव में अब भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की भी इंट्री हो गई है. पहले तो बीजेपी नेता कृष्ण जन्म स्थान पर मंदिर बनाने का मुद्दा उठा रहे थे, पर अब उनका दावा है कि भगवान कृष्ण उन्हे बता रहे हैं कि किस सीट से चुनाव लड़ें . बीजेपी के राज्यसभा के सांसद हरिनाथ सिंह ने कहा है कि भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने उनको सपने में आकर कहा है कि सीएम योगी उनकी नगरी मथुरा से चुनाव लड़ें.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ePknwP
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ePknwP
10,860 New Covid Cases In Mumbai, 20 Deaths In Maharashtra In 24 Hours
Maharashtra on Tuesday saw a big jump in Covid cases with 18,466 new infections, up by 51 per cent compared to yesterday (12,160). Mumbai too recorded a surge of 10,860 infections (34 per cent higher than Monday) with 89 per cent asymptomatic cases.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3pQUXVL
from Videos https://ift.tt/3pQUXVL
In Mumbai, RT-PCR Covid Tests Mandatory For All International Passengers
All international passengers landing in Mumbai will have to undergo an RT-PCR Covid test, the Maharashtra government said on Tuesday night as the state recorded over 18,000 fresh coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, 50 per cent higher than Monday.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ztEPwO
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ztEPwO
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Desktop GPU, RTX 3080 Ti for Laptops Announced
Gamers with tight budgets should wait to see what retail prices are before getting excited, as manufacturers and retail channels continue to overcharge for GPUs in 2022.
Indian Batters Perform When Their Backs Are To The Wall: Ashok Malhotra
Cheteshwar Pujara and Ajinkya Rahane are unbeaten at the Wanderers after a 41-run stand. India lead South Africa by 58 runs. Experts told NDTV that Pujara and Rahane are under pressure and are playing to save their respective careers.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eQdhrL
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eQdhrL
पुस्तक मेले पर कोरोना महामारी का साया, इस बार नहीं लगेगा मेला?
कोरोना का साया किताबों के मेले पर भी पड़ रहा है. 8 तारीख से होने वाला पुस्तक मेला टल सकता है. संभवत: कल इसकी घोषणा भी हो जाएगी.लेकिन घोषणा में हो रही देरी की वजह से प्रकाशक परेशान हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eNyClG
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eNyClG
सिटी सेंटर : कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों को लेकर दिल्ली सरकार का आदेश, मरीजों के लिए बेड आरक्षित करें
दिल्ली में बढ़ते कोरोना मामलों के मद्देनजर दिल्ली सरकार ने प्राइवेट अस्पतालों और नर्सिंग होम्स में कोरोना मरीजों के इलाज के लिए बेड्स आरक्षित करने के निर्देश दिए हैं. दिल्ली सरकार ने आदेश जारी कर के कहा है कि सभी प्राइवेट अस्पताल और नर्सिंग होम, जिनकी कुल क्षमता 50 बेड्स या उससे अधिक है, वो अपने यहां कम से कम 40 फीसदी बेड्स कोरोना के लिए आरक्षित करें.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3q28LNv
from Videos https://ift.tt/3q28LNv
18-Year-Old Woman Behind 'Bulli Bai' Hate Against Women?
An engineering student from Bengaluru has been arrested in the Bulli Bai case in which Muslim women vocal on political social issues were put on an online 'auction'. A woman from Uttarakhand, who is suspected to be the main accused in the case, has also been detained by the Mumbai police.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3t56GBY
from Videos https://ift.tt/3t56GBY
India's Top Doctors On How To Handle Omicron Surge
As Omicron cases continue to surge, on Left, Right and Centre, we speak to India's finest doctors to get an idea of just where we are headed.
from Videos https://ift.tt/32PHpBh
from Videos https://ift.tt/32PHpBh
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : बुल्ली बाई ऐप केस में मुंबई पुलिस ने एक युवक को गिरफ्तार किया
मुंबई पुलिस ने बुली बाई ऐप के मामले में एक नौजवान को गिरफ्तार किया है. इसका नाम विशाल कुमार है. 21 साल का नौजवान इंजीनियरिंग का छात्र है और बेंगलुरु में पढ़ता है. अब आप सोच सकते हैं कि इस नौजवान में नफरत की विचारधारा कहां से आती है. इस विचारधारा ने उसे कानून के नजर में अपराधी बना दिया और अब वो जेल में है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eNLI2v
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eNLI2v
Intel 12th Gen 'Alder Lake' Laptop and Desktop CPUs Announced at CES 2022
All laptop segments from high-end gaming to ultraportables and foldables will be refreshed with new 12th Gen Intel 'Alder Lake' CPUs featuring heterogenous cores in Q1 2022
Monday, January 3, 2022
Bifurcation affairs: TS to present strong at meet convened by Centre
The State government is gearing up for presenting a strong case in support of its stand on the provisions of the AP State Reorganisation Act 2014 ahea
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3eP677f
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3eP677f
Video: Kerala Cop Kicks Passenger Travelling Without Ticket; Suspended
from Videos https://ift.tt/3qIuBEO
The Goa New Year Superspreader
Goa sees a massive Covid spike after new year celebrations with its positivity rate at 11.11%; educational institutions in Goa ordered to shut down and night curfew to be imposed in the state. On Trending Tonight, the Goa New Year Superspreader: Parties and rallies, a recipe for a Covid disaster?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FUpwPS
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FUpwPS
Is Satya Pal Malik Still Echoing The Farmer Sentiment?
Meghalaya Governor Satya Pal Malik, no stranger to criticizing the Narendra Modi government over the farm laws, firing the biggest salvo, the most direct, and personal attack directed at the PM on farm laws, he talks about a meeting with the PM before the law repeal. A day later, in an exclusive interview to NDTV, Mr Malik toned down his criticism but continued to maintain that the PM was arrogant in not rolling back the law, now that he has, there is some sympathy among people for the party. On Trending Tonight, is Satya Pal Malik still echoing the farmer sentiment?
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zotpdn
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zotpdn
80% Cases Are Omicron, Will Hit 90% Soon: Mumbai Corporation (BMC) Boss
Mumbai's civic body chief Iqbal Chahal, citing experts, said that 80 per cent of Covid cases being reported are of the Omicron strain and the figure may soon touch 90 per cent. "I have been taking inputs of my experts in the State's Task Force... Their opinion is that Omicron is now 80% (of the Covid cases)... And this 80% also will touch 90% in the next few days; maybe it can touch in the next 5-7 days," said the civic body chief. On the aggressive rise in cases, the civic chief said, "Omicron is spreading in Mumbai mainly because of passengers coming from non-risk countries.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HvK4ii
from Videos https://ift.tt/3HvK4ii
We Are At The Beginning Of 3rd Wave: Mumbai Civic Body Chief To NDTV
Following a dip after the second wave, the Covid numbers have been rising exponentially in Maharashtra, especially in capital Mumbai, said the city's civic body chief told NDTV, adding that the third wave is here. "We are in the beginning of the third wave. Because from 21st December 2021 onwards, our (Mumbai's) positivity rate has been ascending all the way, without any interruption," IS Chahal said.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3EO5yF5
from Videos https://ift.tt/3EO5yF5
Schools, educational institutions in Telangana closed from Jan. 8 to 16
The State government has announced that schools and educational institutions will remain closed between January 8 and 16.A decision to this effect was
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3neaBZR
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3neaBZR
रवीश कुमार का प्राइम टाइम : लखीमपुर खीरी कांड में यूपी पुलिस ने कोर्ट में दायर की चार्जशीट
लखीमपुर खीरी कांड की जांच कर रहे उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस के विशेष जांच दल ने एक स्थानीय कोर्ट में 5,000 पन्नों की चार्जशीट दाखिल की है. लखीमपुर खीरी में किसान प्रदर्शन के दौरान हुई हिंसा में आठ लोगों की मौत हो गई थी.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eJGzs2
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eJGzs2
Disciplinary action against 9 officials
They ‘failed in discharging their legitimate duties’
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3EUSAFz
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3EUSAFz
India Rolls Out Vaccines For 15-18-Year-Olds
It was a big day for India on Monday as vaccination for children between 15-18 was rolled out. Prime Minister Narendra Modi called it an "important step forward in protecting our youth against COVID-19". On Left, Right and Centre, we speak to school principals, doctor, parent, and a teenager who took the jab today on whether this will be a step towards bringing normalcy back in the lives of children.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3pNbrOO
from Videos https://ift.tt/3pNbrOO
Sunday, January 2, 2022
दिल्ली में तेज होती कोरोना की रफ्तार, बढ़ती संक्रमण दर ने बढ़ाई टेंशन
दिल्ली में ओमिक्रॉन वैरिएंट औऱ कोरोना वायरस (Delhi Covid Cases) के मामले लगातार बढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं. पिछले 24 घंटे में कोरोना वायरस के 3194 मामले सामने आए हैं, जो शनिवार के मुकाबले 15 फीसदी ज्यादा हैं. दिल्ली में पॉजिटिविटी रेट बढ़कर 4.59 फीसदी पहुंच गया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/32AdyNf
from Videos https://ift.tt/32AdyNf
The Biggest Stories Of January 2, 2022
India's Covid tally today rose to 3,48,89,132 with 27,553 fresh cases. 284 more deaths pushed the death count to 4,81,770. A day before Covid jabs start for teenagers aged 15-18, over 5 lakh registered on CoWIN to receive the Covaxin vaccine. The latest on the Covid situation in India and other top stories.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ENKdLW
from Videos https://ift.tt/3ENKdLW
Rallies Galore In Uttar Pradesh Amid Surge In Covid Cases
Sunday witnessed a string of political rallies in Uttar Pradesh. PM Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a public meeting in Meerut, while Akhilesh Yadav ran his election chariot in Lucknow. In Lucknow itself, the Bahujan Samaj Party also held its workers' conference, and Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Aadmi Party also held a rally. The announcement of elections in the state can happen any day, and in such a situation, all the big and small parties have started displaying their strength.
from Videos https://ift.tt/32ThvfJ
from Videos https://ift.tt/32ThvfJ
यूपी में दिग्गज लगा रहे ज़ोर, पीएम मोदी की मेरठ में रैली, अखिलेश की लखनऊ में विजय यात्रा
उत्तर प्रदेश में रविवार का दिन राजनैतिक रैलियों के नाम रहा. मेरठ में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने मेजर ध्यानचंद स्पोर्ट्स यूनिवर्सिटी का शिलान्यास किया. अखिलेश यादव ने लखनऊ में विजय यात्रा निकाली. वहीं अरविंद केजरीवाल ने भी लखनऊ में रैली कर कहा कि कोरोना की दूसरी लहर में यूपी का हाल सबसे ख़राब था और योगी सरकार का मैनेजमेंट पूरी तरह विफल रहा.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FOuQV4
from Videos https://ift.tt/3FOuQV4
हरियाणा में बढ़ाई गईं पाबंदियां, पांच जिलों में मिनी लॉकडाउन
हरियाणा में कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों को देखते हुए पांच जिलों में मिनी लॉकडाउन लगा दिया गया है. स्कूल, कॉलेज, मॉल्स और बाजार में सख्ती की गई है ताकि कोरोना पर काबू पाया जा सके. गुरुग्राम, फ़रीदाबाद समेत पांच ज़िलों में मिनी लॉकडाउन लगा दिया गया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3sPnsoI
from Videos https://ift.tt/3sPnsoI
सोमवार से 15 से 18 साल के बच्चों को लगेंगे Covid टीके
सोमवार से 15 से 18 साल के बच्चों का टीकाकरण किया जाएगा. अब तक 5 लाख से ज़्यादा बच्चों ने टीकाकरण के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन करवा लिया है. दिल्ली में सरकार ने बच्चों को टीका लगाने के लिए 159 सेंटर बनाए हैं.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zwkrv3
from Videos https://ift.tt/3zwkrv3
Is India Underestimating The Omicron Impact?
India saw a 21% jump in daily COVID-19 cases, with infections surging in several cities especially metros like Delhi and Mumbai. So, is India is going through a Covid wave - and has Omicron already become the dominant variant in the country? Most importantly, are we underestimating the impact the spread of the variant could have on our healthcare system?
from Videos https://ift.tt/32VuLjD
from Videos https://ift.tt/32VuLjD
सिटी एक्सप्रेस : मुस्लिम महिलाओं की तस्वीरें 'बुल्ली बाई' ऐप पर अपलोड, जांच में जुटी पुलिस
सोशल मीडिया एप 'बुल्ली बाई' ऐप के जरिये मुस्लिम महिलाओं की फ़ोटो अपलोड कर उनकी उनकी कीमत लगाई जा रही है, भद्दे कमेंट्स किये जा रहे हैं. इससे पहले 'बुल्ली डील्स' ऐप पर भी ऐसा ही किया जा रहा था. पुलिस ने इस मामले में केस दर्ज कर जांच शुरू कर दी है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mOHA6L
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mOHA6L
Is a police reshuffle on the cards?
It seems, even C.V. Anand wants to have his own team
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zgGup6
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3zgGup6
Central government orders fresh survey on Regional Ring Road
‘Southern corridor does not have the required traffic volume’
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qG4zC2
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qG4zC2
India@9: महाराष्ट्र में फिर बेकाबू होता कोरोना, तेजी से बढ़ रहे संक्रमित
महाराष्ट्र में लगातार तेज़ी से कोरोना वायरस के मामले बढ़ते जा रहे हैं. महाराष्ट्र में रविवार को 11877 नए केस मिले और 9 मरीज़ों की मौत हुई. वहीं राज्य में ओमिक्रॉन के 50 नए केस मिले जिन्हें मिलाकार महाराष्ट्र में अब ओमिक्रॉन के कुल केस 510 हो चुके हैं. अकेले मुंबई में रविवार को 8,063 नए कोरोना केस मिले.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mONDIx
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mONDIx
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Farmers can save ₹180 crore through zero tillage
This can be applied to ID crops in paddy harvested fields
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3pHLd04
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3pHLd04
सिटी एक्सप्रेस : हेट स्पीच मामले में 'धर्म संसद' के आयोजक यति नरसिंहानंद पर भी केस दर्ज
हरिद्वार में 'धर्म संसद' में दिए गए नफरती भाषण के मामले में उत्तराखंड पुलिस ने यति नरसिंहानंद पर भी केस दर्ज कर लिया है. नरसिंहानंद ने 'धर्म संसद' में भड़काऊ भाषण दिया था. नरसिंहानंद के अलावा भड़काऊ भाषण देने वाले सागर सिंधु महाराज को भी आरोपी बनाया गया है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/341J2Mj
from Videos https://ift.tt/341J2Mj
Five killed in two road accidents
As many as five persons were killed and three others injured in two road accidents that took place in Sangareddy district on the New Year.Four people
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qIdOBt
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3qIdOBt
इंडिया@9: दिल्ली में बढ़ी कोरोना की रफ्तार, 2716 नए मामले सामने आए
दिल्ली में कोरोना वायरस की रफ्तार लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है. दिल्ली में आज कोरोना के मामलों में बड़ा उछाल दिखा. 24 घंटे में 2716 नए मामले सामने आए, जो कल के मुकाबले 50 फीसदी ज्यादा हैं. दिल्ली में कोरोना संक्रमण दर भी बढ़कर 3.64 फीसदी हो गई है, जो 21 मई के बाद सबसे ज्यादा है.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mIG99R
from Videos https://ift.tt/3mIG99R
Modi means inflation and price rise: Congress spokesperson
‘The country is seeing the highest rate of unemployment’
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JyHZ6Y
from The Hindu - Telangana https://ift.tt/3JyHZ6Y
मुकाबला : क्या नए साल में नफरत पर नकेल कसेगी सरकार?
साल खत्म हो गया है लेकिन नफरत खत्म नहीं हुई है. साल के आखिरी महीने में 'धर्म संसद' के नाम पर नफरत फैलाई गई. 'धर्म संसद' के मंच पर कुछ नफरती गैंग के लोगों ने ये नफरत फैलाई, फिर चाहे वो हरिद्वार हो या रायपुर...भाषण कुछ इस तरह के दिए गए कि भारतीय संविधान के हिसाब से ये तुंरत दंडनीय अपराध हो जाना चाहिए था.
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eHl4Iq
from Videos https://ift.tt/3eHl4Iq
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